
For those who enjoy sailing at a leisurely pace, relaxing in an idyllic maybe exotic location, and even enjoying the occasional sundowner, CYCA cruising is for you.

CYCA cruising activities are organised by the CYCA Cruising Committee for all members and their sailing friends.  The aim of these events is to encourage participation in organised cruise events , to share interesting and educational sailing information and to give club members more opportunity to meet other members and use the facilities of the club.

The Cruising Committee organises a comprehensive event schedule which includes education evenings with expert and informative speakers, social events and sailing activities.

Events and activities include:

  •  Education and general meetings: At these evenings, the CYCA Cruising Committee organises speakers who are experts  on a diverse range of subjects from heavy weather sailing or electronics onboard, to guests sharing experiences of travelling to far flung cruising ports. Speakers have included Alex Whitworth telling us about his adventures on Berrimilla and Michael Spies presenting an educational evening about optimising your yacht. Presentations are free to attend and conclude with dinner and/or refreshments on the deck.
  •  Cruise in company: Involve yourself as much or as little as you wish. Venues vary and include Refuge Bay where the CYCA has two permanent moorings, Middle Harbour and Port Hacking.
    All cruising activities are announced through the CYCA weekly newsletter,Onshore.

Blue Water Cruising

In 2009 the Cruising Committee of the Cruising Yacht Club of Australia took the words of the clubs founders to heart and re-ignited the passion of “men with a love of cruising and the seamanship that goes with cruising”From Ratbags to Respectability.

By combining the love of cruising and a respect for safety, the Cruising Committee organised the inaugural Club Marine 2009 Cruise to Hobart.

Five yachts participated in 2009 with many more expressing interest. Many were unable to meet the high safety standards in the time allowed but indicated that future cruising events would see their yachts participating.

“It is important to note that supporting a future for cruising is an opportunity for the CYCA to establish the ‘world’s best practice’ standards for blue water cruising.” said David Champtaloup, cruising committee member.

CYCA Cruising Trophies

In accordance with clause 18.9(b) of the CYCA Sailing Program, members are advised that when undertaking their Cruising journey, they may be eligble for the CYCA Cruising Trophy. There are two trophies:

(i)      CYCA Plaque and Perpetual Trophy for Best Cruise Overseas;

(ii)     CYCA Plaque for Best Cruise in Australian Waters.

  • Owners of boats who have made such a cruise during the season are
    invited to submit a descriptive log to the CEO before March 30 for the review
    of the Cruising Committee.
  • Neither trophy will be presented unless the Board of Directors considers
    the cruise sufficiently outstanding.
  • These trophies will be awarded at the Annual 20 plus Year Members Dinner.

Previous recipients include: Ted Nobbs and Nancy Knudsen for their journey in Blackwattle; Denis Doyle and Lynne Smith (Sextant) and Alex Whitworth and his Berrimilla adventures.

For more information about upcoming cruising events, please contact the Cruising Captain John Keelty via

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