History of the CYCA SOLAS Trust
Following the tragic loss of six lives in the 1998 Sydney Hobart Yacht Race, the CYCA Sydney Hobart Yacht Race Safety of Life at Sea Trust was established by the Club and a number of the Cruising Yacht Club of Australia’s then Directors. Since its creation, the CYCA SOLAS Trust has raised more than $1.6m.

The Trust’s objectives are to:
- Assist the immediate needs of families of those lost at sea during Australian Sailing sanctioned races.
- Provide assistance to search and rescue organizations.
- Foster research and training to improve procedures and equipment for use at sea.
In 2023, Australian Sailing selected SOLAS Trust as a one of three key organizations that it would promote nationally – in line with its Safety pillar.
The Trust is managed by a company trustee with five Board Members including a Chair.

The CYCA SOLAS Trust Board Members
Chair: David Kellett (CYCA Past Commodore)
Board Members:
Paul Billingham (CYCA Past Commodore)
Matt Allen (CYCA Past Commodore)
Arthur Lane (CYCA Past Commodore)
Leander Klohs
David Gotze
Secretary: Justine Kirkjian (CYCA CEO)
The work of the CYCA SOLAS Trust is ongoing. In excess of $1.6 million has been donated by those participating in the sport to the CYCA SOLAS Trust since its inception, with the vast majority coming from the Cruising Yacht Club of Australia and its members.
The annual CYCA SOLAS Trust Fundraising Dinner attracts guests and VIPs from across the community.

To make a donation to the CYCA SOLAS Trust please download the form or contact accounts@cyca.com.au.
In recognition of the support that CYCA members give to the annual Rotary Charity Regatta, the Rotary Club of Sydney Cove committed to include the CYCA SOLAS Trust as a nominated beneficiary of the Regatta.
Applying for a donation
The Trustee is continuously seeking giftable search and rescue organizations around Australia with a view to supporting their capital expenditure on search and rescue facilities. If you think your organisation meets the criteria, please email your detailed proposal seeking support from the SOLAS Trusts to the CYCA at cyca@cyca.com.au or post your submission to:
The Chair
c/o Cruising Yacht Club of Australia
1 New Beach Rd
Darling Point NSW 2027

Supporting Search & Rescue organizations
Since it was established in 1999, the Trust has distributed in excess of $1.2 million to search and rescue organisations Australia wide including the following recipients:
- Australian Volunteer Coast Guard – Townsville
- Australian Volunteer Coast Guard – Mallacoota
- Marine Rescue NSW
- Australian Volunteer Coast Guard
- Volunteer Marine Rescue – Southport
- Volunteer Marine Rescue – Whitsunday
- Australian Volunteer Coast Guard Association QLD
- Marine Rescue Port Stephens
- Australian Volunteer Coast Guard – Darwin
- Australian Volunteer Coast Guard – Westernport – Victoria
- Marine Rescue New South Wales – Iluka/Yamba
- Australian Volunteer Coast Guard – Townsville
- NRMA Careflight – two donations
- Snowy Hydro SouthCare Aero Medical and Rescue Helicopter Service
- Powercor LifeFlight
- RACQ Careflight
- Tasmanian Air Rescue – three donations
- Fremantle Volunteer Sea Rescue Group
- South Australian Sea Rescue Squadron – two donations
- Volunteer Coast Guard Bermagui
- Royal Volunteer Coastal Patrol Sydney & Tuggerah Lakes Divisions
- Volunteer Rescue Association Nambucca Heads
- St. Vincent’s Hospital
- Tascoast Radio
- VMR Southport/Surfers Paradise – two donations
- RVCP Eden Division
- Australian Volunteer Coast Guard, Brisbane Flotilla – three donations
- Westpac Rescue Helicopter Service (Hunter Region) – three donations
- St Helens Marine Rescue (TAS)
- Volunteer Marine Rescue Whitsunday
- Australian Volunteer Coast Guard, Townsville
- Marine Rescue NSW – Mount Camberwarra
- Volunteer Marine Rescue Burdekin
- Westpac Life Saver Rescue Helicopter (Lismore)
- Marine Rescue NSW
- Volunteer Marine Rescue Western Australia
- Whitfords Volunteer Sea Rescue Group Inc.
- Australian Volunteer Coast Guard, Southport
- RACQ Careflight Rescue (Queensland)
- Volunteer Marine Rescue, Jacobs Well Queensland