After installing SeaBins in the Club’s Marina last year we are very pleased to be able to share some more insights on their performance. The SeaBin Projects City Pilot Program is their first step in providing a full-service package to a city with units working 24/7 to remove debris and surface pollutants. Find out more about the SeaBin Foundation City Pilot Program by clicking here.
As part of their City Pilot Program, the SeaBin Foundation has been capturing data on the rubbish being collected by the six SeaBin units installed across the Club’s Marina.
Between July and December last year, the SeaBins collected a staggering 2,645kg of rubbish. The majority of this was made up of microplastics, foam pieces, and food packaging, all of which can be extremely harmful to waterways and marine life.
A full breakdown of the rubbish collected from the marina is provided below. If you are interested in volunteering with SeaBin in support of their City Pilot, please reach out to Fiona Cole via email by clicking here.