
Eddie Moore appointed new CEO of the CYCA

I am pleased to announce that the Board has appointed a new CEO with effect from 14 January 2019.

Eddie Moore is presently the Interim General Manager at Woollahra Sailing Club and prior to that has had a long career in working with sporting organisations – ranging from the Sydney Organising Committee for the Olympic Games (SOCOG) to Australian Rugby Union and most recently as CEO of Football NSW.

Eddie’s appointment was made on the recommendation of our executive search consultants Hattonneale who, after working with the Board to establish the key skillsets of a future CEO of the CYCA, approached more than 50 suitable candidates to determine their interest in the role.  This resulted in a dozen or so telephone and face to face interviews by Hattonneale before a short list of candidates was discussed with the special purpose Board subcommittee selected for the task.

The subcommittee agreed, after several interviews and the taking of references, Eddie to be the stand out candidate.  He then successfully met with the full Board and his appointment was unanimously agreed.

Over the coming weeks Eddie will attend a number of functions associated with this busy time of year to become familiar with how the Club operates and he will join us in Hobart for a day to see the Hobart Race Village in action.

The Board looks forward to introducing Eddie to you in the New Year.

We are most fortunate that the timing of Eddie’s arrival means that Karen will be able to undertake a thorough formal handover before she departs on 11 January.

Karen leaves with our heartfelt thanks for her significant achievements over the last three years, notably in delivering our new Clubhouse on time and on budget; building a strong leadership team; and greatly improving the way we run the Club for Members and guests.  I suspect we will feel the benefit of Karen’s achievements for many years to come.

As I mentioned before, Karen has decided to take a well-deserved break after a frenetic three years and I take this opportunity to personally thank her for all she has done here at the CYCA.

I also thank the Board subcommittee of David Jacobs (Chair), Noel Cornish and Janey Treleaven, supported by Hattonneale, for their dedication to the task of securing our new CEO.

Commodore Paul Billingham

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