
Bruce Gould

VIDEO | Bruce Gould – part 1

CYCA Archives caught up with Bruce Gould, a valued Member of the Club to hear his story. Bruce Gould is a 54-year member of the CYCA and has two overall wins and two line honours in the Sydney Hobart to his credit.

Discussion points include early sailing days, sailing on Balandra in 1965 and 1966 Sydney Hobart, 1967 Admirals Cup – first team, winning the Sydney Hobart on Pacha, sailing with Syd Fischer, 1973 Admirals Cup – second team, sailing on Gretel II in the 1977 Americas Cup, sailing Gretel in the 1980 Sydney Hobart, line honours on Vengeance in the 1981 Sydney Hobart, first overall and line honours on Sovereign in the 1987 Sydney Hobart and losing Winston Churchill in the 1998 Sydney Hobart.

Click here to view more video interviews.

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